

Is the Arctic Ice about to Disappear? - Human Progress

Is the Arctic Ice about to Disappear? - Human Progress

The ice sheet in Antarctica is melting. For humanity, this is bad news.

Arctic scientists race against the clock as 'ice memory' melts away

What Worries Iceland? A World Without Ice. It Is Preparing. - The New York Times

Summer sea ice likely to disappear in the Arctic by 2015

The Forest Is Not About to Disappear - Human Progress

The Arctic Is Breaking Climate Records, Altering Weather Worldwide

Is the Arctic Ice about to Disappear? - Human Progress

Arctic could be ice-free a decade earlier than thought

The Arctic may be sea ice-free in summer by the 2030s, new study warns

Scientists predict the year polar bears will disappear from this part of the world

What would happen if all the ice on Earth melted?

Arctic sea ice is disappearing

Latest IPCC 6th Assessment Report

Opinion Climate Change Is Real. Markets, Not Governments, Offer the Cure. - The New York Times