

Bees. New Scientist

Bees.  New Scientist

Social bee-haviour: The secret life of the hive

Complex learned social behaviour discovered in bee's 'waggle dance

Controversial pesticides may be lowering the sperm count of bees

Saving the Life Keepers: The New Science of Sustainable Beekeeping

We still don't know how some animals find their way on huge

Honeybees know it's going to rain, so work more before it starts

Bees learn to play golf and show off how clever they really are

Wild bees are rapidly shrinking due to global warming

Endangered insects photographed in unprecedented detail

Pesticides cause bees to lose their bearings

Honeybees welcome friendly migrants to hives but repel raiders

Don't worry, bee happy: Bees found to have emotions and moods

Bees news, articles and features

How killer bees evolved into chiller bees in just one decade