

Block alphabet - Deafblind Information

Block alphabet - Deafblind Information

This system of spelling with capital letters into the palm is more often, but not always, used for people with deafblindness who once had enough vision to see letters and have already developed literacy and spelling skills. It can be useful for communication about names and places, or as a backup method in noisy environments […]

Deafblind Manual

Help Lauren Learn - Deaf Blind Resources

Tactile Symbols – Texas Deafblind Project

The UX of Reading. Time line : 10/12/20–17/12/20, by Yitong Han

Deafblind Manual - Sense

Block alphabet - Sense

Deaf Blind Pocket Communicator

A toolkit for professionals working with older deafblind people - Sense

Teach yourself the deafblind manual alphabet - Sense

Deafblind Manual - Sense