

Generic 3Book Surrounded By idiots-psychopaths-Bad Bosses By

Generic 3Book Surrounded By idiots-psychopaths-Bad Bosses By

Tous des idiots ?Thomas Erikson Et si nous apprenions à communiquer avec les personnes qui nous entourent, plutôt que de les penser idiotes ?Thomas Erikson, expert en communication, vous invite à découvrir une méthode de classification des comportements en quatre profils : les rouges, dominants et ambitieux ; les jaunes, spontanés et optimistes ; les verts, patients et amicaux ; les bleus, méthodiques et précis.Apprenez

Surrounded by Psychopaths: How to Protect Yourself from Being

Surrounded by Setbacks: Turning Obstacles into Success

Surrounded by Bad Bosses (And Lazy Employees): How to Stop

Surrounded by Psychopaths: How to Protect Yourself from Being

You are not alone. If you're being driven crazy by a micro-manager, frequently drown under your boss's unreasonable expectations or struggle with

Surrounded by Bad Bosses, Surrounded by Idiots, Psychopaths 3 Books Set Erikson

Surrounded by Psychopaths: How to Protect Yourself from Being

Surrounded by Setbacks: Turning Obstacles into Success

Surrounded by Bad Bosses (And Lazy Employees): How to Stop

Surrounded by Bad Bosses (And Lazy Employees): How to Stop