

EPOS ADAPT 360 MICRO-CASQUE bluetooth, binaural, ANC, dongle USB-A

EPOS ADAPT 360 MICRO-CASQUE bluetooth, binaural, ANC, dongle USB-A

54-662 | EPOS - CASQUES - USB/Bluetooth | Connus anciennement sous le nom de Sennheiser EPOS, les casques EPOS ont été conçus et fabriqués spécifiquement pour les besoins de communication ou de télécommunication des bureaux. Une série…

EPOS Adapt 165T USB-C II - Wired, Double-Sided Headset-3.5mm Jack/USB-C Connectivity, MS Teams Certified-UC Optimized-Superior Stereo Sound-Enhanced Comfort-Call Control - Black : Electronics

EPOS Adapt 360 Black - Dual-Sided, Dual-Connectivity, Wireless, Bluetooth, ANC Over-Ear Headset, for Mobile Phone & Softphone

Acheter Mcasque EPOS SENNHEISER IMPACT MB Pro2 (1000567)

EPOS Adapt 360 Bluetooth Headset, Black

EPOS I SENNHEISER ADAPT 360 - micro-casque (1000209)


EPOS, SENNHEISER Adapt 360 White (1000210) - Dual-Sided, Dual-Connectivity, Wireless, Bluetooth, ANC Over-Ear Headset, for Mobile Phone & Softphone

EPOS ADAPT 160T USB-C II MICRO-CASQUE binaural, certifié Microsoft Teams, USB-C

Stay focused with ANC that reduces background noise, helps you concentrate in busy open offices and boosts productivity on-the- go. Ensure clear business calls with a solution optimized for UC and switch easily between devices as you multitask. Enjoy over-the-ear design and ergonomic ear pads that add noise dampening and long-lasting comfort at work or on your commute. Empower your performance with professional quality and sleek, comfortable design in black or white to suit your style.

EPOS Adapt 360


Casque-micro MB Pro2 UC Sennheiser, Bluetooth acheter à prix avantageux

Stay focused with ANC that reduces background noise, helps you concentrate in busy open offices and boosts productivity on-the- go. Ensure clear business calls with a solution optimized for UC and switch easily between devices as you multitask. Enjoy over-the-ear design and ergonomic ear pads that add noise dampening and long-lasting comfort at work or on your commute. Empower your performance with professional quality and sleek, comfortable design in black or white to suit your style.

EPOS Adapt 360

EPOS ADAPT 261 Stereo Bluetooth Headset + USB-C Dongle - MS Teams

EPOS Solutions - Call One, Inc - EPOS

EPOS ADAPT 360 Review