

Cicatridine - 10 Suppositoires

Cicatridine - 10 Suppositoires

Grande Pharmacie de France - Parapharmacie Cicatridine

Cicatridine Crème Cicatrisante 30g-A l'Acide Hyaluronique - Easypara

Description: HRA Pharma Cicatridine Hyaluronic Acid 10 Suppositories is a medical device in the form of suppositories based on hyaluronic acid, a molecule renowned for its repairing and cicatrizing properties. This suppository repairs the injured and inflamed anal mucosa thus allowing relief and healing of anal lesions.

HRA Pharma - Cicatridine Hyaluronic Acid 10 Suppositories

Cicatridine ovule - Cicatrisation et Sécheresse intime - Muqueuse

Cicatridine - 10 Suppositoires

Cicatridine Acide Hyaluronique Suppositoires

Cicatridine - Suppositoires - favorise la cicatrisation anale

Cicatridine 10 Suppositoires

Emoflon Suppositoire Hémorroïdes - Douleurs - Cicatrisation

Cicatridine Hyaluronic Acid 10 Suppositories

Cicatridine - 10 Suppositoires favorisant la cicatrisation à l