

Creep and Viscoplasticity

Creep and Viscoplasticity

Determination of the parameters of rock viscoelastic creep model and analysis of parameter degradation


In¯uence of viscoplasticity of the inclusion phase on the overall creep

A nonlinear viscoelastic–viscoplastic constitutive model for adhesives under creep

A viscoplastic model of creep in shale

Creep damage model of rock with varying-parameter under the step loading and unloading conditions

Dual thermodynamics approach to the temperature dependence of viscoplastic creep durability in graphene-based nanocomposites - ScienceDirect

Crack driving energies of viscoplastic material under creep load: (a) β

4.3. Rate-Dependent Plasticity (Including Creep and Viscoplasticity)

4.3. Rate-Dependent Plasticity (Including Creep and Viscoplasticity)