

Do Unicorns Have a Christian Meaning?

Do Unicorns Have a Christian Meaning?

Some say that the unicorn's purity, strength, and majesty really stand for the same features of Christ. However wonderful it would be to see such an animal, the unicorn’s splendor can still never compete with that of Jesus Messiah, who is both real and present.
Some say that the unicorn's purity, strength, and majesty really stand for the same features of Christ. However wonderful it would be to see such an animal, the unicorn’s splendor can still never compete with that of Jesus Messiah, who is both real and present.

Are There Unicorns in the Bible?

The True Meaning of the Unicorn Series #2: What Does the Unicorn

Why Does The Bible Mention Unicorns?

If Jesus is real, then would it mean that unicorns and mythical

What Does The Bible Say About Unicorns? - Bible Says

The Christian Unicorn

Why are Unicorns Mentioned in the Psalter and Certain Antiphons

The Unicorn Tapestries: Secrets of a True Unicorn

Unicorns in the Bible: What Do They Really Symbolize?

Unicorns in the Bible

What's Happening With The Word Unicorn?