

Fortress of the Bear

Fortress of the Bear

Fortress Of The Bear and educational bear rescue center. bear, sitka, alaska bears, bear cub, orphaned brown bear, brown bear cub, fortress

Fortress Of The Bear an educational bear rescue center located in Sitka, Alaska. We bring orphaned bears from all over the state of Alaska and find homes for them in zoos and sanctuaries internationally.  We currently have 8 resident orphaned bears in 3 separate enclosures.  These enclosures mimic the natural settings that they would normally be found.  Visitors view from above in a covered area and have the opportunity to observe and photographic their continuous antics.

Bears of Southeast Alaska — Go See It Travel

Fortress of the Bear. A refuge in Sitka, Alaska, for orphaned…, by Erika Burkhalter, Butterfly Dreams

Fortress of the Bear - Wikipedia

Fortress of the Bear: Guaranteed Bear Viewing

The Bears — Fortress of the Bear

Fortress of the Bear - Wikipedia

The bears and the raptors in Sitka, Alaska

Brown Bear At Fortress Of The Bear, A - Canvas Art

Fortress of the Bear

The Bears — Fortress of the Bear

Fortress of the Bear Regent Seven Seas Cruises — Luxury Travel by Water

Visiting the Fortress of the Bear in Sitka Alaska - Bear Families Rescued from Bullets

Inside Look at Fortress of the Bear in Alaska

The Bears — Fortress of the Bear

Sitka Fortress of the Bear, The Fortress of the Bear provid…