

DRC: The Inga III dam must benefit the Congolese! ” activists

DRC: The Inga III dam must benefit the Congolese! ” activists

Resource Matters and the Congo Study Group (CSTG) call on the government to ensure that the electricity produced by Inga III can benefit the Congolese people. In a report published on the 28th of October 2019, the two organisations also denounced the government's lack of transparency in the management of the world's largest hydroelectric project, which should eventually produce 40 GW of electricity.

DR Congo: the Grand Inga dam needs more transparency

Inga 3, the world's largest dam will displace tens of thousands in DR Congo - LifeGate

Democratic Republic of Congo Archives

Grand Inga Dam, DR Congo

In a first, DRC communities gain legal rights to forests

GREEN ENERGY'S DOWN SIDE - Declassified Australia

Why wind and solar would offer the DRC and South Africa better energy deals than Inga 3 - Hawilti

Banks meet over £40bn plan to harness power of Congo river and double Africa's electricity, Wave and tidal power

Inga dams - Wikipedia