

How to Create Better Ideas Faster - Jeff DeGraff

How to Create Better Ideas Faster - Jeff DeGraff

The four F’s of effective brainstorming. Have you ever tried to get your team to brainstorm a breakthrough idea for a product or service only to find the process mostly yields extensions of existing ideas? Research on creative thinking gives us these four simple suggestions that will greatly aid in generating great ideas in a […]

Four Leadership Types and Their Attributes, by Jeff DeGraff

Leading Innovation: How to Jump Start Your Organization's Growth

Jeff Degraff - Bio, Keynote Speaker

Jumpstarting Innovation

Jeff DeGraff – Becoming More Creative in Your Ability to Innovate

Jeff DeGraff - Well Renowned and Dynamic Innovation Speaker

innovatrium-intro-3 JWD 2

Cultivating a Creative Mindset” with Jeff DeGraff

The Deviance of Ideas with Jeff DeGraff

The Innovation Code by Jeff DeGraff, Staney DeGraff: 9781523084760