

PDF) • Iacovou, M. 2008: Cultural and political configurations in

PDF) • Iacovou, M. 2008: Cultural and political configurations in

• Iacovou, M. 2008: Cultural and political configurations in Iron Age Cyprus. The sequel to a protohistoric episode.

PDF) Introduction, in G. Cadogan, M. Iacovou, K. Kopaka, J. Whitley (eds), Parallel Lives: Ancient Island Societies in Crete and Cyprus

PDF) • Iacovou, M. 2008: Cultural and political configurations in Iron Age Cyprus. The sequel to a protohistoric episode.

PDF] From regional gateway to Cypriot kingdom.: Copper deposits and copper routes in the chora of Paphos

PDF) Cyprus between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (ca. 600–800). An Island in Transition.

PDF) Peltenburg, Edgar and Maria Iacovou 2012: Crete and Cyprus: contrasting political configurations.

Merchants and Mercantile Society on Late Bronze Age Cyprus

Chapter 1 Setting the Scene: King, Elite and People in: Kypriōn Politeia, the Political and Administrative Systems of the Classical Cypriot City-Kingdoms

PDF) Aspects of pottery production and circulation in the Early Iron Age Cypriot polities: Considering the evidence of the Salamis workshops

PDF) The Upheaval of the Jews in 115–117 AD in Salamis and the Proconsulate of C. Calpurnius Flaccus in 123 AD in Cyprus in Salamis of Cyprus from the Earliest Times to

Cultures in Dialogue en Web, PDF, Cyprus

A Meta-Analysis of How Country-Level Factors Affect Web Survey Response Rates - Jessica Daikeler, Henning Silber, Michael Bošnjak, 2022

Land, Free Full-Text

Chapter 15 Phoenicians and Corinth in: Nomads of the Mediterranean: Trade and Contact in the Bronze and Iron Ages

PDF) Iacovou, M. 2014. Cyprus during the Iron Age I period (Late Cypriote IIC - IIIA)