

Physical Features - Snow Leopard Trust

Physical Features - Snow Leopard Trust

Height: 55-65 cm (22 – 26 inches) Length: 90 – 115 cm (36 – 44 inches) Tail: ca. 100 cm (40 inches) The snow leopard is perfectly adapted to its habitat Its extra large paws keep the cat from sinking into the snow- like a pair of natural snow shoes. Its round, short ears reduce heat …

Learn about snow leopards! - Snow Leopard Trust

How snow leopard selfies and AI can help save the species from

New Research: Most Snow Leopard Population Studies Are Biased

physical-features - Snow Leopard Trust

The Wanderings of Tsetsen the Snow Leopard - Snow Leopard Trust

10 Things You Need To Know About Snow Leopards

Monitoring Our Impact - Snow Leopard Trust

Where do snow leopards live? And nine other snow leopard facts

Snow Leopard Reports: Bringing the Snow Leopard Community Together

Physical Features - Snow Leopard Trust

Behavior - Snow Leopard Trust

Our Progress - Snow Leopard Trust

Life Cycle - Snow Leopard Trust

Snow Leopard Cub Quiz - Snow Leopard Trust