

Plastic Putting the 'P' in Packaging • Modern Plastics Global

Plastic Putting the 'P' in Packaging • Modern Plastics Global

Initiatives to replace plastic with other alternatives have long been in play but the packaging section in the industrial sectors is now overturning the situation. Replacing plastic with single-use plastic, paper, and cotton products intended for the purpose didn’t seem to resolve the issue. The plastics industry took the opportunity and began providing undeniable options […]
Insight into Global Plastic Industry

Unwrapping the potential of sustainable packaging

FAQs on Plastics - Our World in Data

Recycling Symbols on Plastics in 2023, Reviewed by Experts

A world drowning in plastic pollution

Advances and approaches for chemical recycling of plastic waste

Towards Ending Plastic Pollution

Inside the long war to protect plastic – Center for Public Integrity

Plastics: The “Other Pollution,” and a call to action - Naples

Plastic in the environment: what you need to know

Bioplastics for a circular economy

Biopolymers: A suitable replacement for plastics in product