

Carlo Rovelli Q&A: â?oI am a very slow thinker with zero memoryâ??

Carlo Rovelli Q&A: â?oI am a very slow thinker with zero memoryâ??

Carlo Rovelli was born in Italy in 1956. He was politically active as a student and detained in 1987 for refusing military service. He is a theoretical physicist and writer working in quantum gravity. Whatâ?Ts your earliest memory? A snowfield in the mountains where I am walking alone, having escaped from the hotel where my family is staying for Christmas. Who are your heroes?

Carlo Rovelli Quote: “I worry that free imagination is overvalued

Time does not exist: Carlo Rovelli at TEDxLakeComo

In our time Nature Physics

Carlo Rovelli - Science & Wisdom LIVE

Carlo Rovelli Quote: “I worry that free imagination is overvalued

Time does not exist: Carlo Rovelli at TEDxLakeComo

PDF) Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities

Reading notes of “The order of time” by Carlo Rovelli

Episode 2: Carlo Rovelli on Quantum Mechanics, Spacetime, and

There is no such thing as past or future': physicist Carlo Rovelli

What is time, and why is quantum mechanics so confusing? RAZOR

Carlo Rovelli's Relational Quantum Mechanics

Carlo Rovelli quote: The new coherent picture is not yet available

Does time exist? Carlo Rovelli and the quantum response