

Snoezelen multi-sensorial rooms - Leura

Snoezelen multi-sensorial rooms - Leura

The Snoezelen multi-sensorial rooms are spaces where sounds, lights, temperatures and aromas can be managed to stimulate people's senses, creating sensations of well-being and facilitating their cognitive rehabilitation. In these rooms it is possible to influence people's levels of neurophysiological arousal, relieve stress, anxiety or pain. Each Snoezelen environment aims to maximize the individual concentration , leading him to react to situations, things and people placed in his environment, with an adaptive response that is a dynamic process in continuous evolution.

NWSRA Snoezelen Sensory Room

Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environments

Snoezelen Room – Controlled multi-sensory stimulation therapy - גן

Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environments

Bubble Tube - Leura

Francis House Hospice

Multi-Sensory Rooms Snoezelen - Leura

Snoezelen® Multi Sensory Rooms

Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environments

Snoezelen® Multisensory Room

Levick Court Sensory Room Snoezelen® Multi-Sensory Environments