

Study areas (La Poile, Middle Ridge and Northern Peninsula) and

Study areas (La Poile, Middle Ridge and Northern Peninsula) and

Relationship between the degree of aggregation (%) on the calving

Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) specific populations: COSEWIC

Intrinsic traits of woodland caribou Rangifer tarandus caribou

Mapping the distribution of a prey resource: neonate caribou in

The calving and post-calving areas for the 3 caribou herds in

PDF) Mobility, Ceremonialism and Group Identity in Archaic

GEOSCAN Search Results: Fastlink

Study areas (La Poile, Middle Ridge and Northern Peninsula) and

Study areas (La Poile, Middle Ridge and Northern Peninsula) and

Newfoundland Woodland Caribou - Safari Club International Foundation

A paleogeographical review of the peri-Gondwanan realm of the