

Supporting Open Data Kit

Supporting Open Data Kit

The Open Data Kit (ODK) community produces free and open-source software for collecting, managing, and using data in resource-constrained environments. The v

Open Data Kit ODK An Exciting, Free, and Open Source Field Data Collection Alternative

Managing Submissions in Central - ODK Docs

A dataset describing data discovery and reuse practices in research

Testing Data Collection with OpenDataKit

mParticle now supports Roku

Samsung Introduces Industry's First Open-Source Software Solution for CXL Memory Platform – Samsung Global Newsroom

Supporting Open Data Kit

Open Data Kit (ODK)

What is Open Data Kit - Arqaam

What is open data? - Practical Guide - Opendatasoft

Design and implementation of a mobile health electronic data capture platform that functions in fully-disconnected settings: a pilot study in rural Liberia, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making