

Theremin: How it works, history and popular models

Theremin: How it works, history and popular models

The Theremin is a very unusual instrument that amazes many people. Today we will talk about the history and function of this electrical marvel.

A New Theremin, a New Way to Learn, a New Way to Work Together

Theremin: the electronic instrument you play without touching anything

The theremin - A short introduction to a unique instrument

Moog Music - Every instrument has a story to tell… The theremin's journey is one that has fascinated players and audiences for more than a century! Leon Theremin's eponymous invention changed the

Theremin - Wikipedia

portfolio dot Mike Buffington dot net

Theremin: How it works, history and popular models

Theremin Pitch and Volume Antenna Electronic Musical Instrument AC Adapter Included

Art's Theremin Page: A Theremin Based on the Southwest Technical Products Model 142

Roger Hess –

Theremin Celebrated

Treasures of the Tier

The weird, untouchable theremin is still king of the scary soundtrack - WHYY

Theremin is leading us to a unique synthesis of sense, sound, light and music - Izba Arts