

Who are the gilets jaunes?

Who are the gilets jaunes?

The embers remain': One year since its inception, what has the Gilets Jaunes movement achieved?

Just who are the gilets jaunes?, France

Gilets jaunes: a new demonstration this Saturday, January 20 in Paris, discover the route

France's gilets jaunes protesters are hurting President Macron

How Facebook fuelled France's violent gilet jaunes protests

What Are the France Yellow Vest Protests About?

The Complicated Politics of the Gilets Jaunes Movement

Le regard des Français sur les Gilets Jaunes - IFOP

The Gilets Jaunes achieved nothing - UnHerd

Déjà vu as France's Yellow Vest protesters mark three years of struggle

A timeline of the yellow vest movement: From single petition to nationwide protests

The gilets jaunes - BBC News