

What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?), by Marin Benčević, Background Thread

What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?), by Marin Benčević, Background Thread

You don’t always think about mathematicians building stuff like engineers do, but the truth is mathematicians build things all the time. It’s just that the things they build exist mostly in their…

Marin Benčević – Medium

Implementing MVVM in iOS with RxSwift (Updated for Swift 2), by Marin Benčević

A reusable UITableViewDataSource in Swift, by Marin Benčević

Image Augmentation Using Radial Transform for Training Deep Neural Networks

Asynchronous programming with Kotlin and Coroutines — Lesson 3: Continuation, by Filip Babic, Background Thread

Unit Testing in Swift — Part 1: The Philosophy, by Marin Benčević

What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?), by Marin Benčević, Background Thread

Here's One Programming Paradigm you Probably Haven't Heard of — Programming Word of the Day, by Marin Benčević, Background Thread

Why code without comments wastes my time, by Marin Benčević, Background Thread

What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?), by Marin Benčević, Background Thread