

Hundreds of lynx to be hunted in Sweden following biggest ever wolf cull, Environment

Hundreds of lynx to be hunted in Sweden following biggest ever wolf cull, Environment

Conservationists condemn latest cull as ‘trophy hunting’, while hunters admit it is ‘about the excitement’

Lynx killed by authorities in Switzerland

Eurasian lynx fitness shows little variation across Scandinavian human-dominated landscapes

Hundreds of Lynx to be Slaughtered in Sweden Following Largest Ever Wolf Cull - Animal Survival International

Wolves and brown bears could return to British countryside to 'naturally cut deer population


Bringing native lynx and wolves back to Ireland could help curb damaging deer, research finds

Biggest Wolf Slaughter in Modern Times Begins in Sweden — Species Unite

Rewilding wolves: what can Sweden teach us about living with big predators?

Swedish government aims to cull wolf population by as much as half, Sweden

Wolf hunting - Wikipedia

Sweden's biggest wolf cull starts but campaigners fight on, Wildlife

Wolves Under Threat in Europe. Sweden launches new wolf hunt against…, by Gil Pires

Wolf hunting - Wikipedia

A very controversial wolf hunt tears Sweden apart