

The Meaning Behind the Death of Baldr and the Summer Solstice — The Rational Heathen

The Meaning Behind the Death of Baldr and the Summer Solstice — The  Rational Heathen

One of the most iconic stories in Norse mythology is the death of Baldr.  It is probably the best known among Heathens and often recited by the anti-Lokeans as a way to justify why the Rokkatru are wrong to even consider venerating Loki and his ilk.  While I’m not Rokkatru (although I suppose someone can point to me being a follower of Skadi as being a Rokkatru), I do have a deeper analysis of why the story of Baldr’s death Read More Read More

February, 2014

The Secret Teachings of All Ages

December 21, WorshipWeb

How do pagans celebrate the winter solstice in Yule? - Quora

Baldur - Norse Mythology

Archaic England, Harold Bayley

Fateful Signs

Baldur God of Summer Sunlight, Norse Gods

The Death of Baldur - Norse Mythology for Smart People