

The Resilience of an American Pika Metapopulation to Global Warming

The Resilience of an American Pika Metapopulation to Global Warming

Full article: Thermal Components of American Pika Habitat—How does

Genome-wide analysis reveals associations between climate and

Genetic Evidence for Restricted Dispersal along Continuous

PDF) Variation in subsurface thermal characteristics of

The Impossibly Cute Pika's Survival May Say Something About Our

American Pika - Ochotona princeps - Carnivora

Population resilience in an American pika (Ochotona princeps

Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change

Variation in subsurface thermal characteristics of microrefuges

Climate Tolerances and Habitat Requirements Jointly Shape the

Collared pika - Wikipedia

An American pika (Ochotona princeps) on its 'haypile' of cached

Return of the pika: American pikas re‐occupy long‐extirpated, warm

American pika doomed as 'first mammal victim of climate change