

XTC-3D - the printout smoothing material review - 3DPC

XTC-3D - the printout smoothing material review - 3DPC

During the 3D Show Printer & Scanner fair in Warsaw we met Peter Fusa of Łódź’s evoxel company, who just started selling this material in Poland and provided us with one of the first packages for testing. A month has passed since then, and we have conducted a series of trials and tests with the material. What XTC-3D is, why it is so special, and whether it is worth the money – you will find out all this in the following review. XTC-3D XTC-3D is a material used for smoothing and post-processing of the surfaces of printed models. It consists […]

XTC-3D™ Product Information

XTC-3D - the printout smoothing material review - 3DPC

How to post-process your 3D prints in 15 minutes with XTC-3D

XTC-3D™, High Performance 3D Print Coating

XTC-3D makes your 3D prints smooth as butter

Smooth-On XTC-3D Coating for 3D Printed Parts

XTC-3D - the printout smoothing material review - 3DPC

XTC 3D Review- What It Is, Pros Cons, and an Experiment

XTC-3D - High Performance 3D Print Coating - 6.4 Ounce Unit

XTC-3D™ Brush On 3D Print Coating