

For world's rarest gorillas, camera traps prove pivotal for protection

For world's rarest gorillas, camera traps prove pivotal for protection

MBE MOUNTAINS, Nigeria — Three hop-like steps and a leap, and suddenly Jacob Osang, an eco-guard with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), appears to be levitating above the rainforest floor. With nimble-footed ease, he darts across a moss-covered trunk that bridges a rock-strewn gorge like a fractured bone. But if Osang is fazed by the […]

▷ Volunteer work with Gorillas 🦍, Gorilla Trekking 2024

Nature, Gorilla, Season 42, Episode 9

Group of rare Cross River gorillas caught on camera in Nigeria, Nigeria

Traps' Appeal: Keeping Watch Over Gorillas - The Gorilla Organization

Cameras are helping protect the world's rarest gorillas

Western Gorilla - Gorilla gorilla - Carnivora

Small Victories Offer New Hope for Mountain Gorillas

For world's rarest gorillas, camera traps prove pivotal for protection

Camera trap images reveal haven for rare primates and other wildlife

Wild Life - bioGraphic

How to Gorilla Trek in Rwanda - Thrillist